Why Choose GPS Sniper School

Not for the faint of heart or even for the casual gun enthusiast, GPS Defense Sniper School is elite training and one of the most comprehensive sniper schools in the United States.

Whether you’re currently serving as a sniper in a military or law enforcement unit, or a private citizen looking for top-tier precision rifle training, GPS Defense Sniper School is your training destination. Train where the most elite members of our military and law enforcement train – GPS Defense Sniper School.

Train for the Real World

Our sniper courses teach the skills and techniques that directly correlate to what is required of you in the field.

Train with Top Instructors

Our precision shooting curriculum is created and taught by highly qualified instructors who have decades of experience.

Train in an Unrivaled Setting

We share our site with the historic Cowtown Range in Arizona, one of the country’s premier shooting destinations.

You can’t be the best at what you do unless you train with the best.

“I wanted to thank you for allowing me to train at GPS defense. The instructors were extremely professional, knowledgeable, and willing to help me in every regard. They made me much more proficient in sniping and spotting than I expected, while also helping me to shoot expert in the Navy Qual which is a pre-req for sniper school. I am greatly indebted to them and your school for what I have learned.”

SEAL Team 5 Sniper

” You guys are the embodiment of professionalism at its best, you are clearly subject matter experts. You provided an interactive learning environment in which the material was passed in an interesting/informative manner. Not only do we plan to pass it on to others, we plan on incorporating into our workup.”

LEO Sniper

“Nearly all techniques taught over the past week will be incorporated into our platoon training. It all correlates directly with what we experienced in Iraq in a variety of scenarios”

Military Sniper
“Without a doubt, GPS Defense Sniper School puts on the best sniper courses I have ever been through. The application to the real world is absolutely amazing. I thought I knew a lot and had a good handle on being a sniper, but GPS Defense was able to take our sniper team to a whole other level!”

Law Enforcement Sniper

“Everyone heading overseas should go through this course. All the tactics taught can save your life and the life of your team.”

Military Sniper

“The professionalism of the instructors and the methods utilized to deliver the course material was progressively challenging, thus pushing you to operate at a higher level each day. The instruction I received during the three schools has enhanced my ability to adapt to ever changing environments/situations and has greatly broadened my deployability and further solidified my credibility as a Law Enforcement Sniper.”

Law Enforcement Sniper

” You guys are the embodiment of professionalism at its best, you are clearly subject matter experts. You provided an interactive learning environment in which the material was passed in an interesting/informative manner. Not only do we plan to pass it on to others, we plan on incorporating into our workup.”

LEO Sniper

“Everyone heading overseas should go through this course. All the tactics taught can save your life and the life of your team.”

Military Sniper

“The professionalism of the instructors and the methods utilized to deliver the course material was progressively challenging, thus pushing you to operate at a higher level each day. The instruction I received during the three schools has enhanced my ability to adapt to ever changing environments/situations and has greatly broadened my deployability and further solidified my credibility as a Law Enforcement Sniper.”

Law Enforcement Sniper

“I wanted to thank you for allowing Lance and Jesse to train me at GPS defense. They were extremely professional, knowledgeable, and willing to help me in every regard. They made me much more proficient in sniping and spotting than I expected, while also helping me to shoot expert in the Navy Qual which is a pre-req for sniper school. I am greatly indebted to them and your school for what I have learned.”

SEAL Team 5 Sniper

“Nearly all techniques taught over the past week will be incorporated into our platoon training. It all correlates directly with what we experienced in Iraq in a variety of scenarios”

Military Sniper

“Without a doubt, GPS Defense Sniper School puts on the best sniper courses I have ever been through. The application to the real world is absolutely amazing. I thought I knew a lot and had a good handle on being a sniper, but GPS Defense was able to take our sniper team to a whole other level!”

Law Enforcement Sniper

What You’ll Learn at GPS Defense Sniper School

From spotting and stalking to mental fortitude, the skills we teach at GPS Defense are exactly what you need to survive in the real world. Come to GPS Defense to learn, practice and perfect these skills and more. 

  • Life-saving skills and mission-specific tactics
  • How to function better as a unit
  • Problem-solving exercises
  • Fieldcraft – including camouflage techniques, land navigation, cover and concealment, detection, counter-surveillance and more.
  • Spotting, stalking and target-range estimation methods
  • Psychological skills